
Below is the video of the meeting, the actual talk starts about 2 hours in – I considered editing, but I’m lazy. And here is the audio, same note and same lazy. The texts from the meeting. GMT20220423-120945_Recording


This was a pretty good meeting with a few hardware issues discussed, the audio of the meeting is , and if you’re interested in it, the video is .

Meeting 2021-06-26 Raspberry Pi Diskless Workstation

The chatter of the meeting is at the bottom of the page, it’s just me talking, and talk on subject starts about 15 minutes in. So – this meeting I was talking about setting up a Raspberry Pi as a Diskless Workstation – the files I describe have been anonymized, they won’t work as given,…

Meeting-2018-08-25-Bash Scripting

So, it turns out that WordPress doesn’t like my little script, and if you want a copy of it, you’ll need to download it with; wget Some days I just don’t appreciate a CMS as much as I should… #!/bin/bash -i # This script shows some of the features of the Bourne Again SHell…

Meeting-2016-06-25 The Picnic!

When: Saturday, June 25th. 10:30 – Dark Where: H.F. Walsh Shelter, Rentschler Forest (Follow Signs) Who: Members (and family) are invited, others may join at the picnic!!! Now, the important issues, what do we want to eat? Use the form below to let us know! [easy_contact_forms fid=7] * Bring something to share: Beverages, Side dishes,…

Backing up MySQL Databases

This is the script I run every morning to back up all of the databases in my MySQL database – it gets every database, including mysql, which has the users and access rights for users. Obviously, you’ll need to modify a few of the variables in the script, but it shouldn’t be difficult. There are…

Meeting-2015-12-19 SSH, offering assistance in a hostile world

If you offer remote assistance to an unknown party, there are security implications that might not be obvious. For you to connect to them, they need to have properly configured quite a lot of stuff, which is the issue. This presentation will go over the security issues, ssh configuration issues, ssh usage, and more! I’ll…

Meeting-2015-06-27 The Picnic!

This meeting is open to members only! If you are not currently a member (nobody is, see previous post), then pro-rated dues are expected. Those dues are; $12.50 for a Family Membership $10.00 for an Individual Membership $5.00 for a Student Membership The June meeting of the Cincinnati Linux Users Group will be our annual…